Field of Dreams

I have always been amazed by musicians and painters who create each new piece from a blank page or canvas. They begin with nothing more than what they visualize in their mind and can labour for weeks or months to perfect a piece.  As much as I may plan and attempt to create the photograph I imagined, sometimes is just doesn’t happen. All of the angles, light and composition won’t come together no matter what I try. Then there are those moments when the effort is not even there and the subject presents itself saying “Take my picture”- The time and place are perfect.

Last summer I was driving through a local industrial park and I spotted a small field of lupines between two large buildings. The patch was likely less than a 100 meters long but perfectly placed between the two driveways. I didn’t have my camera at first sight but I made a mental note of the place and went back a few days later with my wife and youngest daughter. We spent less than 30 minutes there but the conditions were absolutely ideal. Overcast skies, a bit of a mist and slight breeze. My daughter became so excited about the flowers that she borrowed my phone to take some of her own photographs.

ISO 100 1/60 f2.8

It’s funny how photography works sometimes. There can be days of planning and preparation, shooting image after image and I come home feeling empty-handed. Then there are those days that God does all the hard work and I get there just at the right time.